March 29, 2022 from 6:00 – 7:00 P.M., Online

Science-based tools to become a happier, healthier and better lawyer

Program Description

The practice of law is one of the most stressful careers in existence, yet very few lawyers have received science-based training for optimizing their emotional well-being, mental health, and cognitive performance while navigating this high-stress environment. No matter who we are or how successful we are, we can all make progress in reducing our stress, improving our happiness, and enhancing our cognitive functioning in our work. During this 1-hour CLE webinar, you will learn about the neuroscientific connection between stress and professional performance at work, and you will be provided a collection of easy-to-apply, science-based techniques — that you can put to use the very next day — for reducing stress and enhancing cognitive functioning in your career, and life. Specific techniques of Body, Emotion, and Mind will be shared so that your happiness, resiliency, and professional success begin to skyrocket. Less stress, and more greatness await you!

Speaker: Jarrett Green, Esq., M.A. (Psychology)

Jarrett Green is a former Skadden Arps litigator who left the practice of law so he could live his passion of helping lawyers, legal professionals, and other high-stress individuals experience less stress, more happiness, greater focus, improved productivity, optimized cognition, and enhanced overall success in their work, and lives. He has a Masters in Psychology and is the co-founder of USC Gould School of Law’s nationally-recognized Mindfulness, Stress Management, & Peak Performance Program. Jarrett consults to and leads programs at nearly half of the AmLaw 100 firms, including Skadden Arps, Sullivan & Cromwell, Gibson Dunn, White & Case, and Mayer Brown, as well as many Fortune 500 companies, such as NBC-Universal, U.S. Bank, Hyundai, Salesforce, and Allstate Insurance Company. He blends science, humor, storytelling, and practical guidance to maximally impact audiences. Learn more at